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Updated 30/12/2015



INFO 21/12/2011

The Comité Régional d'Aéromodélisme Poitou Charentes (CRAM 19) held its Annual general meeting in the communal room of' Availles in Chatellerault Sunday November 27. The CMR was represented by Serge DELABARDE and Louis FLICHOT. Traditionally, it is the occasion for President François VENEC to thank and reward the regional champions in the three categories of Free Flight, Control Line and the Radio Controlled Flight. This year, in the Control Line category; Acrobatics Nationale, it was Louis FLICHOT for his remarkable progress, who won the Atlantic Trophy which was presented to him by President François VENEC and Michele VENEC secretary of the CRAM and member of the Bureau Directeur of the Federation


On November 30, the CMR held its Annual General Meeting in the training school.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the CMR and the parents who were present at the AGM and those who were excused.



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